💧Liquidity Pool

Our liquidity pool will be directly connected to the router so that anyone can contribute to liquidity and hold wrapped tokens and LPs will get rewards proportional to the amount of the fees generated from the pool and the time you hold, liquidity pool is balanced by a relayer based on gas requirement which also accrues fees, Our pool are single sided pools and wrapped tokens can be turned to get the native token and rewards can be claimed from GasYard dashboard on Settlement chain in the form of USDC or ETH.

Being part of the pool brings exclusive access to updates directly from the core team of GasYard, also invites to events organized.

We are committed to keep the power in the hands of the community, so there will be no holding period for the liquidity providers.

Why participate with us?

  • Unique Reward Structure: Our reward system is distinctive, offering incentives based on the total value of transactions on our platform. This aligns the LP's success with the platform's performance, making LPs crucial to our success. For more details, refer to the Rewards section in the documentation.

  • Robust Security Measures: We have implemented a comprehensive security infrastructure to ensure the safety of LP funds during staking.

  • Flexible Fund Access: There is no minimum vesting period, allowing you to withdraw your funds anytime without any restrictions.

Last updated