
We take security seriously!

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Infrastructure Security

Being a DeFi platform, security is a very important point for us and we are committed to keeping the integrity of the platform intact. Here is how we plan to keep these promises

  • For executing any bridge transactions we are using Maintainers and Realyers together so that when the transaction is triggered it is verified by the Maintainer first and then goes to the Relayer for a second layer of security. This is a kind of 2FA security architecture.

  • There is always a unique hash generated for every transaction, this would prevent any possibility of phishing attacks.

  • This type of architecture will prevent the same transaction from happening twice as it will be caught during the checks and flagged as restricted. This will also lead to blacklisting of the wallet which is trying to execute the same transaction again.

  • The relayer will always be in an enclosed environment without any exposure to public networks. So only our designated services can access the relayer services.

  • Relayer will be continuously monitoring and executing Maintainer emitted events, this will also prevent Money Laundering or DDoS attacks that might compromise the integrity of the platform.

Contract Security

Smart Contracts are the engine of the platform on which all the transactions are happening and to keep the trust of the users and vendors intact, keeping our Contracts secure is of paramount importance to us.

At GasYard, we understand the responsibility on our shoulders to keep our smart Contracts secure, and here are some ways we are planning to keep them secured.

  • As per the last section, we are using the Maintainer and Relayer architecture and due to this, there is no single point of failure that will bring the platform to a halt as we can fix the platform even if anything fails, reducing the total downtime.

  • In the worst-case scenario, even if our Maintainer's wallet private keys are compromised and bad actors start making fraudulent transactions, these transactions will be blocked by the Relayer keeping our liquidity pool secure.

  • Also in this state, the Maintainer's contracts and wallets can be updated instantly taking the bad actors out of the system and keeping the pool safe and ready for transactions again.

  • The funds in all of our chains are stored in a safe with multiple signatories which will be distributed among different stakeholders. This will ensure the funds are stored securely and can only be accessed with the consent of all the stakeholders involved.

Last updated